Study plan - Approved

Academic year:
Study programme:
SP_3e - Charitable and missionary work - (Single degree study, Ph.D. III. deg., external form)
Study field:
33. - Social Work
Person responsible for the delivery, development and quality of the study programme: prof. ThDr. Edward Zygmunt Jarmoch, Philosophiae doctor

Study section
Compulsory courses

Block - SP-PP3d Min. 35  Credits
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
TKSV/Bfia1/21  Bibliography 1   5 3C      Lešková, Forgáč, Ragan, Lenčiš, Fabian, Bieľak, Gažiová, Akimjak, Jarmoch, Bursová 
TKSV/FCP/22  Charitable work   2 1P  SK      Králik, Budayová 
TKSV/Mtd11/22  Social science methodology - quantitative and qualitative research   3 1P + 1C  SK      Lešková, Budayová 
TKSV/FMP/22  Missionary work   2 1P  SK      Bursová, Majda 
TKSV/SF/21  Social philosophy 2 1P  SK  1, 2      Bąk, Akimjak, Králik 
TKSV/Bfia2/21  Bibliography 2   5 3C      Lešková, Forgáč, Ragan, Lenčiš, Fabian, Bieľak, Gažiová, Akimjak, Jarmoch, Bursová 
TKSV/OCJA/22  Foreign language in academic discourse - English language   2 1P  SK      Hrabovecký, Lojan, Trstenský, Shcherbiak 
TKSV/OCJN/22  Foreign language in academic discourse - German language   2 1P  SK      Juhás, Bąk, Tyrol 
TKSV/PSP/21  Pastoral social work   2 1P  SK      Lojan, Majda 
TKSV/VTSP/21  Selected theories of social work 2 1P  SK  1, 2      Lešková, Bursová 
TKSV/Bfia3/21  Bibliography 3   5 3C      Lešková, Forgáč, Ragan, Lenčiš, Fabian, Bieľak, Gažiová, Akimjak, Jarmoch, Bursová 
TKSV/Bfia4/21  Bibliography 4   5 3C      Lešková, Forgáč, Ragan, Lenčiš, Fabian, Bieľak, Gažiová, Akimjak, Jarmoch, Dolinská, Bursová 
TKSV/KSP/21  Christian social work   2 1P  SK        Lojan, Majda, Bursová 
TKSV/SSP/21  Specialized social counseling   2 1C  SK      Lešková, Bursová 
TKSV/MSy1/22  International Symposium 1 - Home   10 1C  SK       
TKSV/Kon1/21  Conference 1   5 1C      Akimjak, Bieľak, Jarmoch, Gažiová, Bursová 
TKSV/Kon2/21  Conference 2   5 1C      Akimjak, Bieľak, Gažiová, Jarmoch, Bursová 
TKSV/FCP/22  Charitable work   2 1P  SK      Králik, Budayová 
TKSV/RSP/21  Residential social work   2 1P  SK      Šuľová, Bursová 
TKSV/SvSP/21  Supervision in social work   2 1C  SK        Lešková, Bursová 
TKSV/Kon3/21  Conference 3   5 1C      Akimjak, Bieľak, Gažiová, Bursová, Jarmoch 

Compulsory elective courses

Block - SP-PVP3e Min. 10  Credits
  Študent musí získať aspoň 10 kreditov.
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
TKSV/RSP/21  Residential social work   2 1P  SK  1, 2, 3      Šuľová, Bursová 
TKSV/SRRV/21  Social reality in research 2 1P  SK  1, 2, 3      Šuľová, Bursová 
TKSV/And/21  Pedagogy and andragogy in social work 2 1P  SK  1, 2, 3      Jenčo, Akimjaková, Shcherbiak 
TKSV/SvSP/21  Supervision in social work   2 1C  SK  1, 2, 3        Lešková, Bursová 
TKSV/ZE10/21  Economic in social work 2 1P  SK  1, 2        Bursová 
TKSV/SSP/21  Specialized social counseling   2 1C  SK  2, 3      Lešková, Bursová 
TKSV/KSP/21  Christian social work   2 1P  SK  2, 3        Lojan, Majda, Bursová 
TKSV/PSSP/21  Psychology and sociology in social work 2 1P  SK  2, 3        Forgáč, Gažiová 
TKSV/PZ10/21  Law in social work 2 1P  SK  2, 3        Jurica, Bursová 

Elective courses

Research section

Block - SP-vPP3d Min. 75  Credits
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
TKSV/Kon1/21  Conference 1   5 1C      Akimjak, Bieľak, Jarmoch, Gažiová, Bursová 
TKSV/Pub1/21  Publications 1   5 1C       
TKSV/MSy1/22  International Symposium 1 - Home   10 1C  SK       
TKSV/Pub2/21  Publications 2   5 1C       
TKSV/Kon2/21  Conference 2   5 1C      Akimjak, Bieľak, Gažiová, Jarmoch, Bursová 
TKSV/Kon3/21  Conference 3   5 1C      Akimjak, Bieľak, Gažiová, Bursová, Jarmoch 
TKSV/MSy2/22  International Symposium 2 - Foreign   10 1C  SK       
TKSV/PiP10/21  Written work for the dissertation exam   15 14C  SK       
TKSV/Pub3/21  Publications 3   5 1C       
TKSV/Kon4/21  Conference 4   5 1C      Akimjak, Bieľak, Jarmoch, Gažiová, Bursová 
TKSV/Pub4/21  Publications 4   5 1C       

Block - SP-vPVP3d Min. 15  Credits
  Študent musí získať aspoň 15 kreditov.
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
TKSV/Mobi1/21  Mover mobility 1   4 4C       
TKSV/Pedc1/21  Pedagogical activity 1   4 4C       
TKSV/Prjc1/21  Project activities 1   4 4C       
TKSV/Mobi2/21  Mover mobility 2   4 4C       
TKSV/Pedc2/21  Pedagogical activity 2   4 4C       
TKSV/Prjc2/21  Project activities 2   4 4C       
TKSV/Mobi3/21  Mover mobility 3   4 4C       
TKSV/Pedc3/21  Pedagogical activity 3   4 4C       
TKSV/Prjc3/21  Project activities 3   4 4C       
TKSV/Mobi4/21  Mover mobility 4   4 4C       
TKSV/Pedc4/21  Pedagogical activity 4   4 4C       
TKSV/Prjc4/21  Project activities 4   4 4C       

Other activities

State exams
Compulsory courses

Block - SP-SS3d Min. 45  Credits
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
TKSV/DS/21  Dissertation exam   15   SS         
TKSV/ODP/21  Dissertation Thesis   30   OB         

Compulsory elective courses

Explanatory notes:

[column: Current]
Other signs can occur next to the courses of the study programmes:
! - course will not be implemented in the given academic year
+ - course will not be implemented, perhaps the next academic year
- - course is implemented for the last time

[column: Range]
P - Lecture, C - Seminar, O - Practice
Such a symbol can occur after the teaching range:
d - Days in a semester
h - Hours in a week
s - Hours in a semester
t - Weeks in a semester
When none of these symbols are given, expected range of teaching is "hours in a week".

[column: End]
SK - Exam, OB - "State exam - Thesis defense", SS - Subject of the state exam

[column: Sem.] - Semester
W - Winter, S - Summer

[column: Attribute]
Courses can have the following attributes:
P - profile courses of the study programme

[column: Prerequisites]

* - course has more prerequisites