Study plan - Approved

Academic year:
Study subprogramme:
mnbna - manažment bakalársky denný
Study field:
8. - Economics and Management
Person responsible for the delivery, development and quality of the study programme: prof. Ing. Iveta Ubrežiová, CSc.
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: doc. Ing. Jana Piteková, Philosophiae doctor - subprogramme manažment bakalársky denný
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: doc. Mgr. Ing. Milan Droppa, Philosophiae doctor - subprogramme manažment bakalársky denný
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: Mgr. Karol Čarnogurský, Philosophiae doctor - subprogramme manažment bakalársky denný
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: Ing. Anna Diačiková, Philosophiae doctor - subprogramme manažment bakalársky denný

Study section
Compulsory courses

Block - manažment Bc. denná forma
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KMN/Mn-BD100A/22  Economic Theories   4 2P + 2C  SK      Piteková 
KMN/Mn-BD101A/22  Microeconomics   6 2P + 2C  SK    Piteková, Vrábliková 
KMN/Mn-BD102A/22  Commercial Law   4 2P + 2C  SK      Gašajová 
KMN/Mn-BD103A/22  Informatics   4 2P + 2C  SK      Čarnogurský, Pták 
KMN/Mn-BD104A/22  Mathematics 1   5 2P + 2C  SK      Tkačik 
KMN/Mn-BD105A/22  Managerial Sociology   3 2P + 1C  SK      Almašiová, Gončárová 
KMN/Mn-BD106A/22  Introduction to University Studies   1 1P  SK      Ubrežiová 
KMN/Mn-BD107A/22  Foreign Language 1 (English, Russian)   3 2C  SK      Dubovcová 
KMN/Mn-BD108A/22  Macroeconomics   6 2P + 2C  SK  KMN/Mn-BD101A/22   Piteková 
KMN/Mn-BD109A/22  Management   6 2P + 2C  SK    Ubrežiová, Bučková 
KMN/Mn-BD110A/22  Mathematics 2   5 2P + 2C  SK    KMN/Mn-BD104A/22   Tkačik 
KMN/Mn-BD111A/22  Labour Law   5 2P + 2C  SK      Gašajová 
KMN/Mn-BD112A/22  Foreign Language 2 (English, Russian)   3 2C  SK    KMN/Mn-BD107A/22   Dubovcová 
KMN/Mn-BD113A/22  Finances and Currency   5 2P + 2C  SK      Vrábliková 
KMN/Mn-BD114A/22  Business Economy   6 2P + 2C  SK    Vrábliková 
KMN/Mn-BD115A/22  Accounting   5 2P + 2C  SK      Kubičková 
KMN/Mn-BD116A/22  Statistics 1   5 2P + 2C  SK      Novotný, Tkačik 
KMN/Mn-BD117A/22  Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Enterprises   5 2P + 2C  SK    Hrnčiarová Turčiaková 
KMN/Mn-BD118A/22  Human Resources Management   6 2P + 2C  SK    Droppa 
KMN/Mn-BD119A/22  Marketing   6 2P + 2C  SK    Čarnogurský 
KMN/Mn-BD120A/22  Statistics 2   5 2P + 2C  SK    KMN/Mn-BD116A/22   Novotný, Tkačik 
KMN/Mn-BD121A/22  Enterprise Finances   6 2P + 2C  SK      Kubičková, Bučková 
KMN/Mn-BD122A/22  Professional Practice 1   2 2C  SK    Vrábliková 
KMN/Mn-BD123A/22  Firm Planning   6 2P + 2C  SK      Vrábliková 
KMN/Mn-BD124A/22  Management Information Systems   6 2P + 2C  SK      Čarnogurský 
KMN/Mn-BD125A/22  Calculations and Budgets   4 1P + 2C  SK      Kubičková, Hrnčiarová Turčiaková 
KMN/Mn-BD126A/22  Financial and Economic Analysis of the Company   6 2P + 2C  SK    Kubičková, Hrnčiarová Turčiaková 
KMN/Mn-BD127A/22  Production Management   6 2P + 2C  SK    Diačiková 
KMN/Mn-BD128A/22  Thesis Seminar 1   2 1C  SK      Hrnčiarová Turčiaková 
KMN/Mn-BD129A/22  Thesis Seminar 2   2 1C  SK       

Compulsory elective courses

Block - manažment Bc. denná forma
  Študent si vyberá predmety v minimálnom počte kreditov 12 za celé štúdium (v 2.,3. a 4. semestri si vyberá minimálne jeden PVP predmet)
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KMN/Mn-BD107B/22  Slovak Language for Foreigners 1   3 2C  SK      Dubovcová 
KMN/Mn-BD100B/22  Economic Thinking and Christianity 4 2P + 2C  SK      Piteková 
KMN/Mn-BD101B/22  Management of a Tourism Business 1   4 2P + 2C  SK      Gončárová 
KMN/Mn-BD102B/22  Managerial Psychology   4 2P + 2C  SK      Gončárová 
KMN/Mn-BD108B/22  Slovak Language for Foreigners 2   3 2C  SK      Dubovcová 
KMN/Mn-BD103B/22  Employment Management   4 2P + 2C  SK      Droppa 
KMN/Mn-BD104B/22  Tourism Economics   4 2P + 2C  SK      Gončárová 
KMN/Mn-BD105B/22  Personnel Audit   4 1P + 2C  SK      Čarnogurský 
KMN/Mn-BD106B/22  Production Systems Designing 4 1P + 2C  SK      Diačiková, Čarnogurský 

Elective courses

State exams
Compulsory courses

Block - manažment Bc. denná forma
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KMN/Mn-BD100S/22  State Final Exam   15   SS         
KMN/Mn-BD101S/22  Bachelor Thesis Defence   15   OB         

Compulsory elective courses

Explanatory notes:

[column: Current]
Other signs can occur next to the courses of the study programmes:
! - course will not be implemented in the given academic year
+ - course will not be implemented, perhaps the next academic year
- - course is implemented for the last time

[column: Range]
P - Lecture, C - Seminar, O - Practice
Such a symbol can occur after the teaching range:
d - Days in a semester
h - Hours in a week
s - Hours in a semester
t - Weeks in a semester
When none of these symbols are given, expected range of teaching is "hours in a week".

[column: End]
SK - Exam, OB - "State exam - Thesis defense", SS - Subject of the state exam

[column: Sem.] - Semester
W - Winter, S - Summer

[column: Attribute]
Courses can have the following attributes:
P - profile courses of the study programme

[column: Prerequisites]

* - course has more prerequisites