Study plan - Approved

Academic year:
Study subprogramme:
pmmna - špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma
Study field:
38. - Teacher Training and Education Science
Person responsible for the delivery, development and quality of the study programme: prof. Viktor Hladush, DrSc.
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: PaedDr. Jana Hrčová, Ph.D. - subprogramme špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: doc. PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, Philosophiae doctor - subprogramme špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: prof. PaedDr. Anna Hudecová, Philosophiae doctor - subprogramme špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma
Person responsible for the profile courses of the study programme: PaedDr. Martina Magová, Ph.D. - subprogramme špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma

Study section
Compulsory courses

Block - špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KSPED/Sp-MD100A/22  Primary education in the pedagogy of the mentally disabled   6 2P + 4C  SK    Hladush, Stupák 
KSPED/Sp-MD101A/22  Methodology in special pedagogy and pedagogy of the mentally disabled   6 2P + 2C  SK    Magová, Kováčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD102A/22  Social pathology of the family and its prevention   4 2P + 2C  SK    Dudek, Siváková 
KSPED/Sp-MD103A/22  Social and communication skills training for special educators 1   4 1P + 3C  SK    Čarnická, Brčiaková 
KSPED/Sp-MD104A/22  Special didactics of the educational field Language and communication   5 2P + 2C  SK    Magová 
KSPED/Sp-MD105A/22  Diagnostics and prognosis in special pedagogy   6 2P + 3C  SK    Dudek 
KSPED/Sp-MD107A/22  Social and communication skills training for special educators 2   4 1P + 3C  SK    Maliňáková 
KSPED/Sp-MD108A/22  School management and legislation   2 2P + 1C  SK    Jablonský, Kamoďa 
KSPED/Sp-MD109A/22  Special pedagogical practice 1   3 1P + 3C  SK      Magová 
KSPED/Sp-MD106A/22  Special didactics of the educational field Mathematics and work with information   5 8P + 8C  SK    Homolová, Hladush 
KSPED/Sp-MD110A/22  Special pedagogical consultancy 3   5 2P + 3C  SK    Kováčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD111A/22  Special pedagogical consultancy 4   5 2P + 3C  SK    Kováčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD112A/22  Creating an individual educational program   5 1P + 2C  SK    Čarnická, Belková 
KSPED/Sp-MD113A/22  Therapeutic approaches in special pedagogy and the pedagogy of the mentally disabled   5 2P + 2C  SK    Hladush 
KSPED/Sp-MD114A/22  Special pedagogical practice 2   3 1P + 3C  SK      Hrčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD115A/22  Final thesis seminar 1   1 1C  SK      Magová 
KSPED/Sp-MD116A/22  Final thesis seminar 2   2 1C  SK       

Compulsory elective courses

Block - Blok prírodovedného zamerania v špeciálnej pedagogike a pedagogike mentálne postihnutých
  Študent si zapisuje predmety z tohto bloku v minimálnom počte 6 kreditov za celé štúdium.
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KSPED/Sp-MD101B/22  Working with nature in special education 2 1P + 1C  SK      Homolová 
KSPED/Sp-MD100B/22  Special work education 2 1P + 1C  SK      Kováčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD103B/22  Education of pupils with ASD   3 1P + 1C  SK      Magová 
KSPED/Sp-MD102B/22  Special didactics of the educational field Man and the world of work 3 2P + 2C  SK      Kováčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD104B/22  Special didactics of the educational field Man and nature 3 2P + 2C  SK      Brčiaková 
KSPED/Sp-MD105B/22  Interest activity in education outside the classroom 2 1P + 1C  SK      Maliňáková 
KSPED/Sp-MD106B/22  Experiential art in the pedagogy of the mentally disabled 2 1P + 1C  SK      Kováčová 

Block - Blok spoločensko-vedného zamerania v špeciálnej pedagogike a pedagogike mentálne postihnutých
  Študent si zapisuje predmety z tohto bloku v minimálnom počte 6 kreditov za celé štúdium.
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KSPED/Sp-MD107B/22  Special didactics of the educational field Man and values   3 2P + 2C  SK      Chanasová 
KSPED/Sp-MD108B/22  Special literary education 2 1P + 1C  SK      Kováčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD109B/22  Special didactics of the educational field Man and society 3 2P + 2C  SK      Čarnická 
KSPED/Sp-MD110B/22  Social skills training in the pedagogy of the mentally disabled 2 1C  SK      Dudek 
KSPED/Sp-MD111B/22  Communication skills training in the pedagogy of the mentally disabled 2 1C  SK      Dudek 
KSPED/Sp-MD112B/22  Training of autonomous skills in the pedagogy of the mentally disabled 2 1C  SK      Dudek 

Block - Blok umelecko-výchovného a telovýchovného zamerania v špeciálnej pedagogike a pedagogike mentálne postihnutých
  Študent si zapisuje predmety z tohto bloku v minimálnom počte 6 kreditov za celé štúdium.
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KSPED/Sp-MD115B/22  School in nature 1   2 1C  SK      Stupák 
KSPED/Sp-MD114B/22  Special drama education 2 1P + 1C  SK      Chanasová 
KSPED/Sp-MD116B/22  School in nature 2 2 1C  SK      Stupák 
KSPED/Sp-MD113B/22  Special didactics of the educational field Health and exercise   3 2P + 2C  SK      Stupák 
KSPED/Sp-MD117B/22  Special didactics of the educational field Art and culture - art education   3 2P + 2C  SK      Maliňáková 
KSPED/Sp-MD118B/22  Special didactics of the educational field Art and culture - music education 3 2P + 2C  SK      Maliňáková 
KSPED/Sp-MD119B/22  Special art education 2 1P + 1C  SK      Maliňáková 

Elective courses

Block - špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KSPED/Sp-MD100C/22  Competences of a special pedagogue in special pedagogic facilities 2 1C  SK      Hladush, Kováčová 
KSPED/Sp-MD101C/22  Competences of a special educator in counseling facilities 2 1C  SK      Maliňáková 
KPED/ULCA-MD01C/22  Teacher self-management Learn & Lead 1   2 1P  SK      Bellová, Tkačik, Markovič, Jacková, Almašiová, Rusnáková 
KPED/ULCA-MD02C/22  Teacher self-management Learn & Lead 2   2 1P  SK    KPED/ULCA-MD01C/22   Tkačik, Jacková, Markovič, Bellová, Rusnáková 
KSPED/Sp-MD102C/22  Specifics of documentation in counseling facilities 2 1C  SK      Magová 
KSPED/Sp-MD103C/22  Specifics of documentation in special educational facilities 2 1C  SK      Magová 
KSPED/Sp-MD104C/22  The third sector and non-governmental organizations 2 1C  SK      Stupák 
KSPED/Sp-MD105C/22  Projecting in special pedagogical consultancy 2 1C  SK      Belková 


State exams
Compulsory courses

Block - špeciálna pedagogika a pedagogika mentálne postihnutých Mgr. denná forma
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Attribute Prerequisites Teacher
KSPED/Sp-MD100S/22  State final exam - Special pedagogy and pedagogy of the mentally disabled   16   SS         
KSPED/Sp-MD101S/22  Defense of the final thesis   15   OB         

Compulsory elective courses

Explanatory notes:

[column: Current]
Other signs can occur next to the courses of the study programmes:
! - course will not be implemented in the given academic year
+ - course will not be implemented, perhaps the next academic year
- - course is implemented for the last time

[column: Range]
P - Lecture, C - Seminar, O - Practice
Such a symbol can occur after the teaching range:
d - Days in a semester
h - Hours in a week
s - Hours in a semester
t - Weeks in a semester
When none of these symbols are given, expected range of teaching is "hours in a week".

[column: End]
SK - Exam, OB - "State exam - Thesis defense", SS - Subject of the state exam

[column: Sem.] - Semester
W - Winter, S - Summer

[column: Attribute]
Courses can have the following attributes:
P - profile courses of the study programme

[column: Prerequisites]

* - course has more prerequisites