Mgr. Karol Čarnogurský, PhD. | |
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http:// | |
Pedagogická fakulta Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Katedra manažmentu
III.a - Zamestnanie-pracovné zaradenie | III.b - Inštitúcia | III.c - Časové vymedzenie |
Funkčné miesto docent | Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta | 06/2022 - doteraz |
Odborný asistent | Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta | 09/2013 – 05/2022 |
Tlačový tajomník | Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku | 05/2010 - 8/2010 |
Absolventská prax | CHEMOSVIT, a. s., Úsek strategického rozvoja a marketingu | 10/2009 - 04/2010 |
IV.a - Popis aktivity, názov kurzu (ak išlo o kurz), iné | IV.b - Názov inštitúcie | IV.c - Rok |
Google Digitálna Garáž | Google (online) | 2016 |
Microsoft Office Speciatist (Word + Excel) | Microsoft | 2015 |
Jazykový kurz - Anglický jazyk | Jazyková škola - VISTA, Poprad | 2013 |
V.1.a - Názov profilového predmetu | V.1.b - Študijný program | V.1.c - Stupeň | V.1.d - Študijný odbor |
Marketing | Manažment | 1. | Ekonómia a manažment |
Marketingová stratégia | Ekonomika a manažment podniku | 2. | Ekonómia a manažment |
Manažérske informačné systémy | Manažment | 1. | Ekonómia a manažment |
V.2.a - Názov študijného programu | V.2.b - Stupeň | V.2.c - Študijný odbor |
Manažment | 1. | Ekonómia a manažment |
Ekonomika a manažment podniku | 2. | Ekonómia a manažment |
V.5.a - Názov predmetu | V.5.b - Študijný program | V.5.c - Stupeň | V.5.d - Študijný odbor |
Personálny audit | Manažment | 1. | Ekonómia a manažment |
Informatika | Manažment | 1. | Ekonómia a manažment |
V3: MADZÍK, P., FALÁT, L., YADAV, N., LIZARELLI, F. L., & ČARNOGURSKÝ, K. (2024). Exploring uncharted territories of sustainable manufacturing: A cutting-edge AI approach to uncover hidden research avenues in green innovations. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(3), 100498.
V3: COPUŠ, L., MADZÍK, P., ŠAJGALÍKOVÁ, H., & ČARNOGURSKÝ, K. (2023). Is There a Possibility to Characterize an Organizational Culture by Its Selected Cultural Dimensions? Sage Open, 13(4).
ADM: ČARNOGURSKÝ, K., MADZÍK, P., DIAČIKOVÁ, A. and BERČÍK, J. (2022), "Influence of aromatization on the perception of work environment and job satisfaction", The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
ADC: ČARNOGURSKÝ, K., DIAČIKOVÁ, A. & MADZÍK, P., (2021). The Impact of the Aromatization of Production Environment on Workers: A Systematic Literature Review. Applied Sciences, 11(12), p.5600. Available at:
ADM: COPUŠ, L., & ČARNOGURSKÝ, K. (2017). Intercultural marketing: Culture and its influence on the efficiency of Facebook marketing communication. Management & Marketing, 12(2), 189–207. doi:10.1515/mmcks-2017-0012
V3: MADZÍK, P., FALÁT, L., YADAV, N., LIZARELLI, F. L., & ČARNOGURSKÝ, K. (2024). Exploring uncharted territories of sustainable manufacturing: A cutting-edge AI approach to uncover hidden research avenues in green innovations. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(3), 100498.
V3: COPUŠ, L., MADZÍK, P., ŠAJGALÍKOVÁ, H., & ČARNOGURSKÝ, K. (2023). Is There a Possibility to Characterize an Organizational Culture by Its Selected Cultural Dimensions? Sage Open, 13(4).
V1: ČARNOGURSKÝ, K.: (2023). Výzvy v marketingu a marketingovej komunikácii v digitálnej ére1. vyd.– Ružomberok (Slovensko) : Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku. VERBUM - vydavateľstvo KU, 2023. 137 s. [tlačená forma] [online]. – ISBN 978-80-561-1024-9
ADM: ČARNOGURSKÝ, K., MADZÍK, P., DIAČIKOVÁ, A. and BERČÍK, J. (2022), "Influence of aromatization on the perception of work environment and job satisfaction", The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
ADM: MADZÍK, P., ČARNOGURSKÝ, K, HRNČIAR, M., ZIMON, D. (2021). Comparison of demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural approach to customer segmentation. DOI 10.1504/IJSOM.2021.119802. – SCO
In: International Journal of Services and Operations Management: Inderscience Publishers. – ISSN 1744-2370. – ISSN (online) 1744-2389. – Roč. 40, č. 3 (2021), s. 346-371
ADM: COPUŠ, L., & ČARNOGURSKÝ, K. (2017). Intercultural marketing: Culture and its influence on the efficiency of Facebook marketing communication. Management & Marketing, 12(2), 189–207. doi:10.1515/mmcks-2017-0012.
[o1] 2017 ~ Sukawati, T. G. R. - Astawa, I. P.. : Improving performance by harmonious culture approach in internal marketing - In: Polish journal of management studies, vol. 16, no. 1, 2017 ; s. 226-223 ;SCOPUS; ESCI
[o1] 2018 ~ Droppa, M. - Birknerová, Z. - Frankovský, M. - Križo, P.. : Assessment of bossing in secondary school environment in the Slovak Republic, depending on the length of practice of the respondents - In: TEM Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018 ; s. 355-365 ;SCOPUS; ESCI
[o1] 2018 ~ Križo, P. - Madzík, P. - Vilgová, Z. - Sirotiaková, M.. : Evaluation of the most frequented forms of customer feedback acquisition and analysis - In: Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 877 . -Berlin : Springer, 2018 ; S. 562-573 ;SCOPUS ; CPCI-SSH
[o2] 2017 ~ Jenco, Michal. : Evaluation of production processes performance - In: Poprad economic and management forum 2017 . -Ruzomberok : Verbum, 2017 ; S. 80-91 ;ESCI
[o1] 2019 ~ Margariti, K. - Boutsouki, C. - Hatzithomas, L. - Zotos, Y.. : Visual metaphors in food advertising: A cross-cultural study - In: Food Research International, 115 . -Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2019 ; S. 338-351 ;SCOPUS ; SCIE; SSCI
[o1] 2018 ~ Moravcová, Jana. : Komparace zájmu o podnikové sociální sítě v letech 2014 a 2017 - In: Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice, series D, Faculty of economics and administration, no. 44, vol. 26, iss. 3, 2018 ; s. 194 ;SCOPUS
[o3] 2019 ~ Mavragani, Eleni - Nikolaidou, Paraskevi - Theodoraki, Efi. : Traveler segmentation through social media for intercultural marketing purposes: the case of Halkidiki - In: Journal of tourism, heritage, vol. 5, iss.1, 2019 ; s. 15-23
[o3] 2019 ~ Hyder, Akmal S. - Lilja, Anna - Paag, Jonna. : Is Social Media Necessary for Recruitment of International Students? - In: The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019) . -Dhaka : BRAC Business School, 2019 ; S. 100
[o3] 2020 ~ Hameed, Rana Ahmed. : To examine the factors influencing tourist intention to revisit to the Maldives with the use of social media marketing as the moderating influence - In: Journal of economics and business, vol. 3, no. 4, 2020 ; S. 1269
[o3] 2021 ~ Khoshkhoo, Mohammad Hossein Imani - Korani, Zohreh. : Investigating the contemporary lifestyle of Iranian society - In: Tourism of culture, vol. 2, iss. 6, 2021 ; s. 14
[o3] 2021 ~ Rashkova, Yanina - Moi, Ludovica - Marku, Elona - Cabiddu, Francesca. : Standardize or adapt? A fine-grained model for cross-border communication through digital channels - In: Academy of management proceedings . -Briarcliff Manor : Academy of management, 2021 ; S. 22
[o1] 2021 ~ Olah, Serban. : Social values, economic freedom and economic growth - In: Journal of community positive practices, vol. 21, iss. 4, 2021 ; s. 123 ;SCOPUS
[o3] 2021 ~ Tenescu, Alina. : Perspectives on intercultural advertising and marketing - In: Recent trends in social sciences . -Craiova : Sitech, 2021 ; S. 83
[o1] 2021 ~ Stamate-Ștefan, Andreas - Apăvăloaei, Matei-Alexandru - Roşca, Vlad I. - Iacob, Mihaela - Jora, Octavian-Dragomir. : “The price of everything and the value of nothing!?”– what cultural capitalism is and what it cannot be accused of being - In: Proceedings of the international conference on business excellence, vol.15 . -Warsaw : De Gruyter, 2021 ; S. 871 ;CPCI-S
[n2] 2021 zz ~ Sohi, Shahina. : Inhibition biofilm of medicinal plants: a review - In: International journal of innovative research in engineering and management (IJIREM), vol. 8, iss. 6, 2021 ; s. 591
[n2] 2021 zz ~ Muflih, Ashru Nur - Rosilawati, Yeni. : Strategi komunikasi pemasaran Gembira Loka zoo melalui media sosial dalam meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung di masa pandemi tahun 2020 - In: Prosiding UMY grace, vol. 2, no. 1, 2021 ; s. [5]
[n2] 2022 zz ~ Hinson, Robert E. - Twum, Kojo Kakra - Arhin, Eugene. : Ethical social media marketing in Africa - In: Digital business in Africa . -Cham : Springer Nature, 2022 ; S. 37
[n2] 2021 zz ~ Vinayak, Vishal. : Facebook's influence on omni-channel retailing - In: International journal of innovative research in engineering and management (IJIREM), vol. 8, iss. 6, 2021 ; s. 558
[n2] 2021 zz ~ Habiki, Mohammad Reza Abdul. - In: [Digital marketing strategies] . -Isfahán : Parsian danesh pendar, 1400 [2021] ; S. 258
[n2] 2021 zz ~ Grillo, Amalia Herencia. : Desventajas de trabajar en un entorno multicultural - In: A vueltas con la economía, no. 71, 2021 ; [nestr.]
[n2] 2021 zz ~ Grillo, Amalia Herencia. : Ventajas de trabajar en un entorno multicultural - In: A vueltas con la economía, no. 65, 2021 ; [nestr.]
[n1] 2022 zz ~ Černák, Igor - Sitiarik, Patrik - Rojček, Michal. : School web portal as a means of parent-teacher communication - In: ICETA 2022 . -[s.l.] : IEEE, 2022 ; S. 96 ;SCOPUS
[n2] 2022 zz ~ Sokolova, Hristina. : Cross-cultural marketing research as a tool in studying consumer psychology across borders - In: Proceedings, vol. 61, book 5.1 . -Ruse : Rusenski universitet "Angel Kančev", 2022 ; S. 147
[n1] 2023 zz ~ Černák, Igor - Rojček, Michal - Jenčo, Michal. : Analysis of sustainability of it team development in an organization - In: TEM Journal, vol. 12, iss. 1, 2023 ; s. 51 ;SCOPUS ; ESCI
[n2] 2023 zz ~ Omar, Iman Hany - Mahfouz, Iman - Al Ansary, Sameh - Sarwat, Nevine. : Expressing stance in brand posts on Facebook: a cross-cultural investigation - In: Insights into language, culture and communication, vol. 3, iss. 1, 2023 ; s. 94
[n2] 2023 zz ~ Piteková, Jana - Vrábliková, Mária - Gončárová, Zuzana. : Komparácia modelov sociálnej politiky vo vzťahu k úmrtnosti na COVID-19 v EÚ a USA - In: Reflexie, roč. 7, č. 2, 2023 ; s. 19
AFD: CARNOGURSKY, K., DIACIKOVA, A., DANKOVA, A., et al. (2015). Practical Importance of CSR in Cross-sector Cooperation By: Conference: 9th International Scientific Conference on Business Economics and Management (BEM) Location: Tech Univ Zvolen, Izmir, TURKEY Date: APR 30-MAY 02, 2015, Sponsor(s): Wood Congress; Tech Univ Zvolen, Dept Business Econ, INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE: BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT (BEM2015) Book Series: Procedia Economics and Finance Volume: 34 Pages: 244-251.
(1) Rumanko, B., Kozáková, J., Urbánová, M., & Hudáková, M. (2021). Family Business as a Bearer of Social Sustainability in Multinationals-Case of Slovakia. Sustainability, 13(14), 7747.
(2) Klein, M., & Spychalska-Wojtkiewicz, M. (2020). Cross-Sector Partnerships for Innovation and Growth: Can Creative Industries Support Traditional Sector Innovations?. Sustainability, 12(23), 10122."
(3) Górny, A. (2017). Safety-at-work competences as a driver of corporate social responsibility. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 121, p. 11009). EDP Sciences.
(4) Pekarčíková, M., Trebuňa, P., & Kliment, M. (2019). Digitalization effects on the usability of lean tools. Acta logistica, 6(1), 9-13.
(5) Tate, T. G. (2018). US Corporate Energy Productivity, Greenhouse Gas Productivity, and Return on Equity.
(6) Ozturan, P. (2023). Socially Responsible Marketing in Emerging Economies. In Dealing with Socially Responsible Consumers: Studies in Marketing (pp. 7-32). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
(7) Kozakova, J. (2021). Factors Affecting COVID 19-related CSR Activities of Slovak Companies. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 129, p. 07002). EDP Sciences.
(8) Birknerová, Z., & Zbihlejová, L. (2023). Losing Sleep: Examining Struggles for Value and Counterproductive Work Behaviors in an Era of Globalization. In Globalization, Human Rights and Populism: Reimagining People, Power and Places (pp. 265-288). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
(9) Ozturan, P. (2023). Socially Responsible Marketing in Emerging Economies. In Dealing with Socially Responsible Consumers: Studies in Marketing (pp. 7-32). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
(10) Fitala, Patrik/Kozakova, Jana et. al. (2023). Strategic management : factors influencing (de)centralization in multinational corporations operating in Slovakia. In: Marketing i menedžment innovacij 14 (4), S. 223 - 238.
(11) Birknerová, Z., Zbihlejová, L. (2023). Losing Sleep: Examining Struggles for Value and Counterproductive Work Behaviors in an Era of Globalization. In: Akande, A. (eds) Globalization, Human Rights and Populism. Springer, Cham.
(12) Solari, E., Sebastián, M., & Mollo Brisco, G. (2023). Análisis de prácticas sustentables en empresas de La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires. Contabilidad Y Negocios, 18(36), 115-138
AFD: KRIŽO, P., ČARNOGURSKÝ, K., SIROTIAKOVÁ, M. (2018). Using the Concept of SoLoMo Marketing in Digital Environment to Increase Brand Awareness and Communication with Customers. Knowledge Management in Organizations, 551–561. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-95204-846.
(1) Kubovics, M., & Zaušková, A. (2020, July). Possibilities of Display and Collection of Marketing Data From the Social Media. In 7th European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2020 (p. 144).
(2) Krajčovič, P., & Čábyová, Ľ. (2020, July). Use of Social Media for Marketing Communication of Socially Responsible Business Activities in Slovakia. In 7th European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2020 (p. 135).
(3) Hegedűs, E., Stachová, K., Stacho, Z., & Matúšová, J. G. (2022). Possibilities of Influencing Organisational Culture by Means of Employee Recruitment. THE POPRAD ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT, 10, 41.
(4) Stacho, Z., Hamar, M., Stachová, K., & Varečková, Ľ. (2022). The Utilization of Digital Tools and Gamification in the Adaptation Process of Z Generation Emloyees. THE POPRAD ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT, 10, 30.
ADM: MADZIK, P., CHOCHOLAKOVA, A., CARNOGURSKY, K., et al. (2017). Is Quality a Philosophy or rather a Mind-set? Empirical Study By: QUALITY-ACCESS TO SUCCESS Volume: 18 Issue: 161 Pages: 116-125.
(1) Copuš, L., Wojčák, E., Suleimanová, J. H., & Poláková, M. (2021). Knowledge Management in the Context of Industry 4.0: The Case of Slovakia. THE POPRAD ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT, 507.
(2) Čepelová, A., & Koreňová, D. (2019). Optimizing the Education Process of a Company Employees by BPMN (Business Process Modeling & Notation). Calitatea, 20(171), 21-26."
(3) Copuš, L., Šajgalíková, H., & Wojčák, E. (2019). Organizational Culture and its Motivational Potential in Manufacturing Industry: Subculture Perspective. Procedia Manufacturing, 32, 360-367.
(4) Kuběnka, M., Varmus, M., Kubina, M., & Tumová, D. (2023). The analysis and prediction of sports clubs' funding via the assignation tax in Slovakia. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 23(5), 419-441.
(5) KOMAN, G., JANKAL, R., & MIČIAK, M. The Future Course and Application of Big Data Solutions in the Support of Decision-making in Businesses.
ADC: CARNOGURSKY, K., DIACIKOVA, A., MADZIK, P. (2021). The Impact of the Aromatization of Production Environment on Workers: A Systematic Literature Review. Applied Sciences, 11(12), 5600.
(1) Zámková, M., Rojík, S., Prokop, M., Činčalová, S., & Stolín, R. (2022). Czech Consumers’ Preference for Organic Products in Online Grocery Stores during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), 13316.
(2) Copuš, L., Moravčíková, K., Poláková, M., & Suleimanová, J. H. (2022). How to Increase the Motivational Potential of Organizational Culture?. THE POPRAD ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT, 10, 327.
(3) Bercík, J., Gálová, J., & Pavelka, A. (2021). The use of consumer neuroscience in aroma marketing.
(4) Zámková, M., Rojík, S., Prokop, M., Činčalová, S., & Stolín, R. (2023). Consumers’ Behavior in the Field of Organic Agriculture and Food Products during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Czech Republic: Focus on a Comparison of Hyper-, Super-and Farmers’ Markets and Direct Purchases from Producers. Agriculture, 13(4), 811.
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education Increasing the visibility and knowledge base on air quality with big data and its impact on the population health (VISIONAIR), riešiteľ
01/09/2023 – 31/08/2026 (36 months)
APVV-23-0244 Využitie spotrebiteľskej neurovedy a inovatívnych výskumných riešení v zmyslovej percepcii audio stimulov a ich aplikácia vo výrobe, obchode a službách (NEUROSOUND), riešiteľ, 2024 - 2028
VEGA č. 1/0773/2 Manažment intelektuálneho kapitálu a meranie inovatívnosti podnikov na Slovensku, Fakulta managementu UK, 2020-2022, riešiteľ
INTERREG V-A SK-CZ NFP304030D001 Pamiatky svetového dedičstva UNESCO v živote obcí, mest a regiónov / UNESCO-VLaMI, riešiteľ, 2017-2019
VII.a - Aktivita, funkcia | VII.b - Názov inštitúcie, grémia | VII.c - Časové vymedzenia pôsobenia |
Člen Redakčnej rady vedeckého časopisu Reflexie ISSN 2585-7428 | Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku | 2017 - doteraz |
Recenzent odborných článkov na medzinárodnej konferencii MEDZINÁRODNÉ VEDECKÉ DNI 2018 "Smerom k produktívnemu a udržateľnému svetovému poľnohospodárstvu a potravinovým zdrojom" | Fakulta ekonomiky a manažmentu SPU v Nitre | 2018 |
Člen organizačného a vedeckého výboru konferencie Popradské ekonomické a manažérske fórum – PEMF | Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku | 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024 |
Recenzent odborných článkov na medzinárodnej konferencii INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC DAYS 2020 "Innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems development" | Fakulta ekonomiky a manažmentu SPU v Nitre | 2020 |
Člen pracovnej skupiny v oblasti spoločenskej zodpovednosti | Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo Slovenskej republiky | 2020 - 2022 |
Recenzent odborných publikácií | Internet Research | 2024 - doteraz |
Recenzent odborných publikácií | International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management | 2024 - doteraz |
VIII.a - Názov inštitúcie | VIII.b - Sídlo inštitúcie | VIII.c - Obdobie trvania pôsobenia/pobytu (uviesť dátum odkedy dokedy trval pobyt) | VIII.d - Mobilitná schéma, pracovný kontrakt, iné (popísať) |
Medzinárodná spolupráca v rámci projektu Implementation of Consumer Neuroscience and Smart Research Solutions in Aromachology (NEUROSMARTOLOGY), no. 2018-1-SK01- KA203-046324. | Hotel Meerane GmbH & Co. KG, An der Hohen Straße 3, 08393 Meerane, Germany | 2.3.2020 - 6.3.2020 | Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education |
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Ekonomická fakulta, Katedra marketingu a obchodu | Voroněžská 13, 460 01 Liberec 1 | 8.11.2021 - 10.11.2021 | Erasmus+ KA107 |
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Ekonomická fakulta, Katedra marketingu a obchodu | Voroněžská 13, 460 01 Liberec 1 | 22.10.2024 - 25.10.2024 | Erasmus+ KA107 |