Vedecko/umelecko-pedagogická charakteristika osoby
I.3 - Tituly
doc. Ing. CSc.
I.5 - Názov pracoviska
Katolícka univerzita
I.6 - Adresa pracoviska
Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok
I.7 - Pracovné zaradenie
I.8 - E-mailová adresa
I.10 - Názov študijného odboru, v ktorom osoba pôsobí na vysokej škole
38. Učiteľstvo a pedagogické vedy
I.11 - ORCID iD
II. - Vysokoškolské vzdelanie a ďalší kvalifikačný rast
II.a - Názov vysokej školy alebo inštitúcie |
II.b - Rok |
II.c - Odbor a program |
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene |
1987 |
lesné inžinierstvo |
II.a - Názov vysokej školy alebo inštitúcie |
II.b - Rok |
II.c - Odbor a program |
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene |
1994 |
41-03-9 Poľnohospodárska a lesnícka fytopatológia a ochrana rastlín, |
II.a - Názov vysokej školy alebo inštitúcie
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
II.c - Odbor a program
4. 3. 4. Všeobecná ekológia a ekológia jedinca a populácií
III. - Súčasné a predchádzajúce zamestnania
III.a - Zamestnanie-pracovné zaradenie |
III.b - Inštitúcia |
III.c - Časové vymedzenie |
odborný pracovník pre lesné ekosystémy |
Správa Národného parku Malá Fatra so sídlom v Gbeľanoch pri Žiline |
1987-1993 |
samostatný vedecký pracovník |
Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2, Zvolen |
1993-dosiaľ |
profesor |
Katolícka univerzita, Hrabovská cesta 1, Ružomberok |
2015-dosiaľ |
IV. - Rozvoj pedagogických, odborných, jazykových, digitálnych a iných zručností
IV.a - Popis aktivity, názov kurzu (ak išlo o kurz), iné |
IV.b - Názov inštitúcie |
IV.c - Rok |
Kurz angličtiny s medzinárodným certifikátom. |
Jazyková škola Banská Bystrica |
1996 |
English course with international certificate |
Language school in Banská Bystrica |
1996 |
V. - Prehľad aktivít v rámci pedagogického pôsobenia na vysokej škole
V.1.a - Názov profilového predmetu |
V.1.b - Študijný program |
V.1.c - Stupeň |
V.1.d - Študijný odbor |
Základy prírodného prostredia |
Učiteľstvo biológie v kombinácii |
Bc. |
38. Učiteľstvo a pedagogické vedy |
Zoológia I. II. |
Učiteľstvo biológie v kombinácii |
Bc. |
38. Učiteľstvo a pedagogické vedy |
Všeobecná ekológia |
Učiteľstvo biológie v kombinácii |
Mgr. |
38. Učiteľstvo a pedagogické vedy |
V.2.a - Názov študijného programu |
V.2.b - Stupeň |
V.2.c - Študijný odbor |
Učiteľstvo biológie v kombinácii |
Bc. |
38. Učiteľstvo a pedagogické vedy |
Učiteľstvo biológie v kombinácii |
Mgr. |
38. Učiteľstvo a pedagogické vedy |
V.4.a - Bakalárske (prvý stupeň)
V.4.b - Diplomové (druhý stupeň)
V.4.c - Dizertačné (tretí stupeň)
V.4.a - Bakalárske (prvý stupeň)
V.4.b - Diplomové (druhý stupeň)
V.4.c - Dizertačné (tretí stupeň)
V.5.a - Názov predmetu |
V.5.b - Študijný program |
V.5.c - Stupeň |
V.5.d - Študijný odbor |
Environmentálna výchova |
Učiteľstvo biológie v kombinácii |
Mgr. |
38. Učiteľstvo a pedagogické vedy |
VI. - Prehľad výsledkov tvorivej činnosti
VI.1.b - Za posledných šesť rokov
VI.1.b - Za posledných šesť rokov
VI.1.b - Za posledných šesť rokov
VI.1.b - Za posledných šesť rokov
VI.1.b - Za posledných šesť rokov
SANIGA, Miroslav. An ecological and ethological study of Wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria) in the Slovak Carpathians. In Folia Zoologica, Monographs 2, 1999. 54 p. ISSN 0139-7839
SANIGA, Miroslav. Seasonal dynamics of the bird assemblages in the natural forests of the spruce vegetation tier. In Folia zoologica. 1995, vol. 44, no. 2, p. 103-110.
SANIGA, Miroslav. Seasonal distribution, altitudinal and horizontal migration of the Wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria) in the Malá Fatra mountains, Slovak Carpathians. In Folia zoologica. 1995, vol. 44, no. 3, p. 237-246.
SANIGA, Miroslav. Diet of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in a Central-European mixed spruce-beech-fir and mountain spruce forest. In Folia zoologica. 1998, vol. 47, no. 2, p. 115-124.
SANIGA, Miroslav. Nest loss and chick mortality in capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia) in West Carpathians. In Folia zoologica. 2002, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 205-214.
ŠTOFÍK, Jozef, MERGANIČ, Ján, MERGANIČOVÁ, Katarína, BUČKO, Jozef & SANIGA, Miroslav. Brown bear winter feeding ecology in the area with supplementary feeding – Eastern Slovakia (Slovakia). In Polish Journal of Ecology. 2016, vol. 64, no. 2, p. 277-288.
SARVAŠOVÁ, Lenka, KULFAN, Ján, SANIGA, Miroslav, ZÚBRIK, Milan & ZACH, Peter. Winter Geometrid Moths in Oak Forests: Is Monitoring a Single Species Reliable to Predict Defoliation Risk? In Forests, 2020, vol. 11(3), p. 1-12.
KULFAN, Ján, DZURENKO, Marek, PARÁK, Michal, SARVAŠOVÁ, Lenka, SANIGA, Miroslav, BROWN, Peter MJ. & ZACH, Peter. Larval feeding of Cydalima perspectalis on box trees with a focus on the spatial and temporal distribution. In Plant Protection Science, 2020, vol. 56, no. 3, p. 197-205.
KULFAN, Ján, ZACH, Peter, HOLEC, Juraj, BROWN, Peter MJ., SARVAŠOVÁ, Lenka, SKUHROVEC, Jiří, MARTINKOVÁ, Zdenka, HONĚK, Alois, VÁĽKA, Jozef, HOLECOVÁ, Milada & SANIGA, Miroslav. The Invasive Box Tree Moth Five Years after Introduction in Slovakia: Damage Risk to Box Trees in Urban Habitats. In Forests, 2020, vol. 11(9), p. 1-12.
SARVAŠOVÁ, Lenka, ZACH, Peter, PARÁK, Michal, SANIGA, Miroslav & KULFAN, Ján. Infestation of Early- and Late-Flushing Trees by Spring Caterpillars: An Associational Effect of Neighbouring Trees. In Forests. 2021, vol. 12(9):1281.
SANIGA M Nest loss and chick mortality in capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia) in West Carpathians FOLIA ZOOLOGICA 51 (3): 205-214 2002 1. Lethal interactions among forest-grouse predators are numerous, motivated by hunger and carcasses, and their impacts determined by the demographic value of the victims By: Waggershauser, Cristian N.; Ruffino, Lise; Kortland, Kenny; Lambin, Xavier ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Volume: 11 Issue: 12 Pages: 7164-7186 Published: JUN 2021 2. Scavenging patterns of generalist predators in forested areas: The potential implications of increase in carrion availability on a threatened capercaillie population By: Tobajas, Jorge; Oliva-Vidal, Pilar; Pique, Josep; Afonso-Jordana, Ivan; Garcia-Ferre, Diego; Moreno-Opo, Ruben; Margalida, Antoni ANIMAL CONSERVATION Early Access – zatial bez stran AUG 2021 3. High tourism activity alters the spatial distribution of Hazel Grouse (Tetrastes bonasia) and predation on artificial nests in a high-mountain habitat Matysek, Marcin; Gwiazda, Robert; Zieba, Filip; Klimecki, Maciej; Mateja, Radoslaw; Krzan, Piotr ORNIS FENNICA Volume: 97 Issue: 2 Pages: 53-63 Published: 2020 4. Direct and indirect effects of ungulates on forest birds' nesting failure? An experimental test with artificial nests By: Cocquelet, Amanda; Marell, Anders; Bonthoux, Sebastien; Baltzinger, Christophe; Archaux, Frederic FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Volume: 437 Pages: 148-155 Published: APR 1 2019 5. Predation on artificial ground nests in relation to abundance of rodents in two types of forest habitats in the Tatra Mountains (southern Poland) By: Matysek, Marcin; Zub, Karol; Gwiazda, Robert; Zieba, Filip ; Klimecki, Maciej; Mateja, Radoslaw; Krzan, Piotr WILDLIFE RESEARCH Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Pages: 205-211 Published: MAR 2019 6. Preliminary findings of factors influencing wild boar distribution in temperate forest during the winter By: Drimaj, Jakub; Balkova, Marie; Adamec, Zdenek; Plhal, Radim; Mikulka, Ondrej; Kamler, Jiri; Hruby, Petr 12TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WILD BOAR AND OTHER SUIDS Pages: 59-66 Published: 2019 7. Predation, predator control and grouse populations: a review By: Kaemmerle, Jim-Lino; Storch, Ilse WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Article Number: wlb.00464 Published: 2019 8. Resolving Conflict Between Farmers and Wild Boar in Europe and Northern Asia By: Bobek, Boguslaw; Furtek, Jakub; Markov, Nikolay ; Merta, Dorota; Wojciuch-Ploskonka, Marta; Wojcik, Michal; Hohmann, Ulf ECOLOGY, CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF WILD PIGS AND PECCARIES Pages: 354-365 Published: 2018 9. Ecological Impact of Wild Boar in Natural Ecosystems By: Genov, Peter V.; Focardi, Stefano; Morimando, Federico ; Scillitani, Laura; Ahmed, Atidzhe ECOLOGY, CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF WILD PIGS AND PECCARIES Pages: 404-419 Published: 2018 10. Increased nest predation near protected capercaillie leks: a caveat against small reserves By: Oja, Ragne; Pass, Eliisa; Soe, Egle; Ligi, Karli; Anijalg, Peeter; Laurimaa, Leidi; Saarma, Urmas; Lohmus, Asko; Valdmann, Harri EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Article Number: 6 Published: FEB 2018 11. Long-term variation of demographic parameters in four small game species in Europe: opportunities and limits to test for a global pattern By: Gee, A.; Sarasa, M.; Pays, O. ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION Volume: 41 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-60 Published: 2018 12. Non-invasive genetics outperforms morphological methods in faecal dietary analysis, revealing wild boar as a considerable conservation concern for ground-nesting birds By: Oja, Ragne; Soe, Egle; Valdmann, Harri; Saarma, Urmas PLOS ONE Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Article Number: e0179463 Published: JUN 8 2017 13. Guardian or threat: does golden eagle predation risk have cascading effects on forest grouse? By: Lyly, Mari S.; Villers, Alexandre; Koivisto, Elina; Helle, Pekka; Ollila, Tuomo; Korpimaki, Erkki OECOLOGIA Volume: 182 Issue: 2 Pages: 487-498 Published: OCT 2016 14. Effects of wild boar predation on nests of wading birds in various Swedish habitats By: Carpio, Antonio J.; Hillstrom, Lars; Tortosa, Francisco S. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 423-430 Published: AUG 2016 15. Declining reproductive output in capercaillie and black grouse-16 countries and 80 years By: Jahren, Torfinn; Storaas, Torstein; Willebrand, Tomas; Moa, Pal Fossland; Hagen, Bjorn-Roar ANIMAL BIOLOGY Volume: 66 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 363-400 Published: 2016 16. Spatiotemporal Effects of Supplementary Feeding of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) on Artificial Ground Nest Depredation By: Oja, Ragne; Zilmer, Karoline; Valdmann, Harri PLOS ONE Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Article Number: e0135254 Published: AUG 5 2015 17. Indirect food web interactions affect predation of Tengmalm's Owls Aegolius funereus nests by Pine Martens Martes martes according to the alternative prey hypothesis By: Zarybnicka, Marketa; Riegert, Jan; Kouba, Marek IBIS Volume: 157 Issue: 3 Pages: 459-467 Published: JUL 2015 18. Dynamics of rodent abundance and ground-nest predation risks in forest habitats of Central Europe: no evidence for the alternative prey hypothesis By: Jezkova, Martina; Svobodova, Jana; Kreisinger, Jakub FOLIA ZOOLOGICA Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 269-280 Published: DEC 2014 19. Noninvasive genetic sampling allows estimation of capercaillie numbers and population structure in the Bohemian Forest By: Roesner, Sascha; Brandl, R.; Segelbacher, G.; Lorenc, T.; Mueller, J. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH Volume: 60 Issue: 5 Pages: 789-801 Published: OCT 2014 20. Winter severity or supplementary feeding-which matters more for wild boar? By: Oja, Ragne; Kaasik, Ants; Valdmann, Harri ACTA THERIOLOGICA Volume: 59 Issue: 4 Pages: 553-559 Published: OCT 2014 21. A review of wild boar Sus scrofa diet and factors affecting food selection in native and introduced ranges By: Ballari, Sebastian A.; Barrios-Garcia, M. Noelia MAMMAL REVIEW Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Pages: 124-134 Published: APR 2014 22. Unforeseen Effects of Supplementary Feeding: Ungulate Baiting Sites as Hotspots for Ground-Nest Predation By: Selva, Nuria; Berezowska-Cnota, Teresa; Elguero-Claramunt, Isabel PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Article Number: e90740 Published: MAR 5 2014 23. Comparison of airborne lidar, aerial photography, and field surveys to model the habitat suitability of a cryptic forest species - the hazel grouse By: Bae, Soyeon; Reineking, Bjoern; Ewald, Michael; Mueller, Joerg INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Volume: 35 Issue: 17 Pages: 6469-6489 Published: 2014 24. Forest vegetation structure has more influence on predation risk of artificial ground nests than human activities By: Seibold, Sebastian; Hempel, Anke; Piehl, Sarah ; Baessler, Claus; Brandl, Roland; Roesner, Sascha; Mueller, Joerg BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY Volume: 14 Issue: 8 Pages: 687-693 Published: DEC 2013 25. Impact of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in its introduced and native range: a review By: Barrios-Garcia, M. Noelia; Ballari, Sebastian A. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS Volume: 14 Issue: 11 Pages: 2283-2300 Published: NOV 2012 26. Ecological factors influencing nest survival of hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia in a temperate forest, South Korea By: Rhim, Shin-Jae FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Volume: 282 Pages: 23-27 Published: OCT 15 2012 27. The control of the populations of tall ongulated within protected natural spaces: a territorial issue for men or for animals? By: Poinsot, Yves; Saldaqui, Francois CYBERGEO-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY Published: 2012 28. Ochrana Prirody a Krajiny v Ceske Republice, Vols I and II By: Machar, I; Drobilova, L OCHRANA PRIRODY A KRAJINY V CESKE REPUBLICE, VOLS I AND II Pages: 1-853 Published: 2012 29. Artificial ground nest survival in two abandoned farmland habitats on Solta Island (Croatia) By: Purger, Jeno J.; Muzinic, Jasmina; Purger, Dragica AVIAN BIOLOGY RESEARCH Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 17-22 Published: 2011 30. Predation on artificial nests in relation to the numbers of small mammals in the Krusne hory Mts, the Czech Republic By: Salek, M; Svobodova, J; Bejcek, V; Albrecht, T FOLIA ZOOLOGICA Volume: 53 Issue: 3 Pages: 312-318 Published: 2004
SANIGA M Diet of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in a Central-European mixed spruce-beech-fir and mountain spruce forest FOLIA ZOOLOGICA 47 (2): 115-124 1998 1. Selection of forest habitats by Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in Polish part of the Western Carpathians By: Ligocki, Dariusz; Merta, Dorota; Bobek, Boguslaw SYLWAN Volume: 160 Issue: 7 Pages: 582-590 Published: JUL 2016 2. Habitat selection and diet of Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in an atypical biogeographical region By: Gonzalez, Manuel A.; Olea, Pedro P.; Mateo-Tomas, Patricia; Garcia-Tejero, Sergio; De Frutos, Angel; Robles, Luis; Purroy, Francisco J.; Ena, Vicente IBIS Volume: 154 Issue: 2 Pages: 260-272 Published: APR 2012 3. Diet and habitat selection in Cantabrian Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus): ecological differentiation of a rear-edge population By: Blanco-Fontao, Beatriz; Fernandez-Gil, Alberto ; Ramon Obeso, Jose; Quevedo, Mario JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY Volume: 151 Issue: 2 Pages: 269-277 Published: APR 2010 4. The May diet of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in an extensively logged area of NW Russia By: Borchtchevski, Vladimir ORNIS FENNICA Volume: 86 Issue: 1 Pages: 18-29 Published: 2009 5. Overstory structure and topographic gradients determining diversity and abundance of understory shrub species in temperate forests in central Pyrenees (NE Spain) By: Gracia, Marc; Montane, Francesc; Pique, Josep; Retana, Javier FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Volume: 242 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 391-397 Published: APR 30 2007 6. An analysis of central Alpine capercaillie spring habitat at the forest stand scale By: Bollmann, K; Weibel, P; Graf, RF FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Volume: 215 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 307-318 Published: AUG 25 2005 7. Ecological-productive properties of Slovak alginite By: Pichler, V; Bublinec, E; Vass, D; Gregor, J EKOLOGIA-BRATISLAVA Volume: 20 Supplement: 3 Pages: 278-284 Published: 2001
SANIGA M Causes of the population decline in capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the West Carpathians BIOLOGIA 58 (2): 265-273 2003 1. Predation on artificial ground nests in relation to abundance of rodents in two types of forest habitats in the Tatra Mountains (southern Poland) By: Matysek, Marcin; Zub, Karol; Gwiazda, Robert; Zieba, Filip ; Klimecki, Maciej; Mateja, Radoslaw; Krzan, Piotr WILDLIFE RESEARCH Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Pages: 205-211 Published: MAR 2019 2. Towards a successful reintroduction of capercaillies - activity, movements and diet of young released to the Lower Silesia Forest, Poland By: Merta, Dorota; Kobielski, Janusz; Theuerkauf, Jorn; Gula, Roman WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 130-135 Published: MAY 2016 3. Population decline of Capercaillies Tetrao urogallus in the Augustow Forest (NE Poland) By: Zawadzki, Jerzy; Zawadzka Dorota ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Pages: 199-204 Published: WIN 2012 4. Clearcutting forestry and Eurasian boreal forest grouse: Long-term monitoring of sympatric capercaillie Tetrao urogallus and black grouse T. tetrix reveals unexpected effects on their population performances By: Wegge, Per; Rolstad, Jorund FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Volume: 261 Issue: 9 Pages: 1520-1529 Published: MAY 1 2011 5. Quantitative predictions for patch occupancy of capercaillie in fragmented habitats By: Bollmann, Kurt; Graf, Roland F.; Suter, Werner ECOGRAPHY Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Pages: 276-286 Published: APR 2011 6. Are the declining trends in forest grouse populations due to changes in the forest age structure? A case study of Capercaillie in Finland By: Sirkia, Saija; Linden, Andreas; Helle, Pekka; Nikula, Ari; Knape, Jonas; Linden, Harto BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION Volume: 143 Issue: 6 Pages: 1540-1548 Published: JUN 2010
SANIGA M Breeding bird communities of the fir-beech to the dwarfed-pines vegetation tiers in the Velka-Fatra and Mala-Fatra mountains BIOLOGIA 50 (2): 185-193 1995 1. Factors affecting the goldcrest/firecrest abundance ratio in their area of sympatry By: Kralj, Jelena; Flousek, Jiri; Huzak, Miljenko; Cikovic, Davor; Dolenec, Zdravko ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI Volume: 50 Issue: 6 Pages: 333-346 Published: DEC 18 2013 2. Diversity and abundance of bird communities in three mountain forest stands: Effect of the habitat heterogeneity By: Balaz, Michal; Balazova, Maria POLISH JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 629-634 Published: 2012 3. Structure of the breeding bird assemblage of a primaeval beech-fir forest in the Sramkova National Nature Reserve, the Mala Fatra Mts By: Korman, M. BIOLOGIA Volume: 59 Issue: 2 Pages: 219-231 Published: MAR 2004 4. The effect of habitat structure on guild patterns and the foraging strategies of insectivorous birds in forests By: Adamik, P; Kornan, M; Vojtek, J BIOLOGIA Volume: 58 Issue: 2 Pages: 275-286 Published: MAR 2003 5. The breeding bird community of the West Carpathians fir-spruce-beech primeval forest (The Dobroc nature reservation) By: Kropil, R.
SANIGA M Sesonal distribution, altitudinal, and horizontal migration of the Wallcreeper (Tichodroma-Muraria) in the Mala-Fatra-Mountains, Slovak-Carpathians FOLIA ZOOLOGICA 44 (3): 237-246 1995 1. Altitudinal migration: ecological drivers, knowledge gaps, and conservation implications By: Hsiung, An C.; Boyle, W. Alice; Cooper, Robert J.; Chandler, Richard B. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS Volume: 93 Issue: 4 Pages: 2049-2070 Published: NOV 2018 2. Living above the treeline: roosting ecology of the alpine bat Plecotus macrobullaris By: Alberdi, Antton; Aihartza, Joxerra; Aizpurua, Ostaizka; Salsamendi, Egoitz; Brigham, R. Mark; Garin, Inazio EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 17-25 Published: FEB 2015 3. Unveiling the factors shaping the distribution of widely distributed alpine vertebrates, using multi-scale ecological niche modelling of the bat Plecotus macrobullaris By: Alberdi, Antton ; Aizpurua, Ostaizka; Aihartza, Joxerra; Garin, Inazio FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY Volume: 11 Article Number: 77 Published: OCT 29 2014 4. Altitudinal migration in bats: evidence, patterns, and drivers By: McGuire, Liam P.; Boyle, W. Alice BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 767-786 Published: NOV 2013
Reakcie živočíchov na meniacu sa štruktúru lesa (VEGA 2/0035/13) (01. január 2013 – 31. december 2016) – člen riešiteľského kolektívu
Funkčne významné živočíchy v dynamike lesných ekosystémov v nových environmentálnych podmienkach (VEGA 2/0052/15) (01. január 2015 – 31. december 2018) – člen riešiteľského kolektívu
Význam lokálnych habitatov a mikrohabitatov pre priestorovú distribúciu lesných a arborikolných článkonožcov (VEGA 2/0012/17) (01. január 2017 – 31. december 2020) – člen riešiteľského kolektívu
Živočíchy v lesných ekosystémoch a urbánnom prostredí v kontexte lokálnych a globálnych zmien (VEGA 2/0032/19) (01. január 2019 – 31. december 2022) – člen riešiteľského kolektívu
Populácie a spoločenstvá arborikolného hmyzu v kontexte globálnych a lokálnych zmien: distribúcia a adaptácie na nové prostredie (VEGA 2/0022/23) (01. január 2023 – 31. december 2026) – vedúci riešiteľského kolektívu
VII. - Prehľad aktivít v organizovaní vysokoškolského vzdelávania a tvorivých činností
VII.a - Aktivita, funkcia |
VII.b - Názov inštitúcie, grémia |
VII.c - Časové vymedzenia pôsobenia |
externá prednášková činnosť, predmety: Biologická diverzita, Etológia živočíchov, Ornitológia a Systém chordátov |
Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, Fakulta prírodných vied, Katedra ekológie a environmentálnej výchovy, od roku 2010 Katedra životného prostredia |
2001-2015 |
Univerzita tretieho veku |
Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Žilinská univerzita, Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika v Liptovskom Mikuláši |
2015-2023 |
VIII. - Prehľad zahraničných mobilít a pôsobenia so zameraním na vzdelávanie a tvorivú činnosť
v študijnom odbore
IX. - Iné relevantné skutočnosti
IX.a - Ak je to podstatné, uvádzajú sa iné aktivity súvisiace s vysokoškolským vzdelávaním
alebo s tvorivou činnosťou
Gestorská skupina pre záchranu hlucháňa hôrneho na Slovensku pre Štátnu ochranu prírody (Posudzovanie vplyvov na stavy populácií hlucháňa hôrneho v pohoriach Slovenska, návrhy opatrení na zlepšovanie životného prostredia a trvalé prežívanie tohto dáždnikového vtáčieho druhu) Regionálna rada partnerstva Liptov - Žilinský samosprávny kraj (Participácia pri tvorbe programov ohľadne trvalo udržateľného životného prostredia v rámci žilinského samosprávneho kraja, s akcentom na región Liptov)
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie